Tags: supply chain

Walmart wants to turn Viet Nam into goods supply center of Asia
Economy 16/11/2023 20:52VGP - Walmart, the U.S.-based retail giant, expects to turn Viet Nam into a goods supply center of Asia, said Executive Vice President-Sourcing at Walmart Andrea Albright.

IFC assists Vietnamese SMEs in expanding access to finance
Economy 21/03/2023 16:50VGP - The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has teamed up with Saigon-Ha Noi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB) in expanding access to finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially women-owned businesses.

Viet Nam at center of Japan's ASEAN supply chain shift: Nikkei Asia
Economy 14/02/2023 16:52VGP - Viet Nam's increasingly vital role in supply chains is bringing greater electronics investment from Japan as well as more awareness of human rights issues, said Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)'s chief representative Matsumoto Nobuyuki in an interview with Nikkei Asia.

ADB helps developing members access vaccines for COVID-19
Việt Nam and World 18/11/2020 11:51VGP - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has allocated US$20.3 million in technical assistance to help its developing members access vaccines for COVID-19 and establish systems to enable equitable and efficient vaccine distribution.