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Viet Nam shares successful post-pandemic recovery experience at UN

VGP - The Vietnamese Government has implemented a number of policies and strategies under the principle of leaving no one behind in response to the dual challenges of post-pandemic recovery and climate change adaptation, said Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang, Viet Nam’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN).

Posts Kim Loan

June 07, 2023 5:06 PM GMT+7
Viet Nam shares successful post-pandemic recovery experience at UN - Ảnh 1.

Ambassador Dang Hoang Giang presents the Viet Nam Study Case at a UNDP gathering, New York on June 6, 2023

The diplomat made the statement at the Interactive Dialogue with the Executive Board of the UNDP themed “Development Pathways out of crises: Turning national aspirations into tangible results” held on Tuesday in New York (local time).

As the world is facing a number of threats to its development strategies,  Dang emphasized the importance of national resilience and government ownership.

The Governments take primary responsibility to protect and improve the livelihoods and the environment of their people, said the diplomat.

“There is no development without peace and stability,” stressed the ambassador.

It is important to maintain political stability, ensure macroeconomic stabilisation and social security and protection for all, he added.

The ambassador also higlighted the importance of strengthening national internal power and encouraging the participation of all sectors in the societies, in tandem with mobilising external resources, through intensifying international partnership, foreign investment and free trade agreements.

The diplomat underlined that partnership for development is “indispensable”.

“For any partnership to produce tangible results, it should be based on mutual trust, mutual respect and shared understanding,” the diplomat said. 

Viet Nam has effectively overcome diffficulties and achieved 8.02 percent economic growth rate in 2022 and stabilized the macro-economy.  

On this occasion, he lauded effective cooperation between Vietnam and UNDP over the past 45 years, affirming UNDP is one of Viet Nam’s most important and reliable partners on its development and integration path.

During the exchange, representatives of UNDP and other participating countries highly appreciated the achievements that Vietnam has recorded in post-pandemic economic recovery and climate change response through introducing and implementing reasonable and timely policies. 

They thanked Viet Nam for sharing its experience in building an autonomous and independent economy, as well as in promoting close and effective partnerships with UNDP in various aspects of sustainable development./.