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The Department reported that Thailand ranked first with over 668,000 travelers, followed by Viet Nam, China with over 317,000, the Republic of Korea with nearly 73,000, and the U.S. with 30,455.
Tourists from ASEAN countries accounted for the majority of tourist arrivals to Laos, with nearly 1.1 million.
According to GlobalData, as the travel & tourism industry continues on its recovery path, outbound trips from Viet Nam are increasing, with people eager to resume their travel plans. This pent-up demand, coupled with increased confidence around COVID-19 protocols, is helping to drive the recovery of Viet Nam’s outbound travel sector.
The most popular destinations for the country’s travelers include Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Cambodia and Malaysia among others.
On the other hand, the number of Lao tourist arrivals to Viet Nam soared in the first half of the year, with a growth rate of 117 percent, which is the third-highest rate among nations having visitors to Viet Nam, following Cambodia (338 percent) and India (236 percent)./.