Prime Minister assigns tasks to Deputy Prime Ministers
VGP - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has signed decision 19/QD-TTg assigning tasks to the Deputy Prime Ministers.

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai
1. Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai:
To monitor and direct working fields, agencies and work as chairmen of councils, national committees and heads of steering committees as stipulated in Clause 3, Article 2 of Decision No. 1460/QĐ-TTg on the assignments of Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers.
To assist the Prime Minister in monitoring and directing the following fields:
- General economic affairs: Planning, finance, pricing, monetary-banking, capital market, stock market, financial investment sources, State reserves, macroeconomic forecasts and policies.
- State budget expenditures and use of State budget reserves, financial reserve fund, foreign exchange reserve fund, and other funds of the State; issuance of Government debentures and bonds.
- Salary and social insurance policies, poverty reduction.
- Development of types of enterprises.
- Cooperative economy, cooperatives.
- Rearrangement and innovation of State enterprises
- Anti-corruption, inspection, and settlement of complaints and denunciations.
To assist the Prime Minister in monitoring and directing the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank of Viet Nam, the Government Inspectorate, the Commission for Management of State Capital at Enterprises, the Viet Nam Social Insurance, the National Financial Supervisory Commission, the Viet Nam Development Bank, and the Deposit Insurance of Viet Nam.
To act as Chairman of the National Advisory Council for Financial and Monetary Policies, Head of the Central Steering Committee for Salary and Social Insurance Policies Reform, Head of the Steering Committee for Development and Reform of Collective Economy and Cooperatives, Head of the Steering Committee for Development and Renewal of Enterprises, Head of the Steering Committee for Settlement of Shortcomings and Weaknesses of Several Inefficient Projects and Enterprises of the Industry and Trade Sector, Chairman of other national councils and committees and head of other steering committees in relevant fields.
To perform other tasks assigned or authorized by the Prime Minister.
To handle tasks relevant to trade–import and export, assurance of energy supply and efficient energy consumption, logistics, economic zones, industrial parks, and processing zones in the absence of Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh.
To monitor and direct the Government Office and the Viet Nam Bank for Social Policies.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha
2. Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha:
To monitor and direct the following fields:
- Education and vocational training.
- Science and technology.
- Labor, employment, and social affairs.
- Information and communication.
- Culture, tourism, sports, and physical training.
- Healthcare, population, family and children affairs.
To monitor and direct the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor-Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Information and Communications, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology, the Viet Nam Academy of Social Sciences, the Viet Nam National University (Ha Noi), and the Viet Nam National University (Ho Chi Minh City).
To act as Chairman of the National Education and Human Resource Development Council, Chairman of the Central Council for National Defense and Security Education, Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development and Competitiveness Improvement, Head of the State Steering Committee for Tourism, Head of the Interdisciplinary Steering Committee for Food Hygiene and Safety, Chairman of the National Committee for AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control, chairman of other national councils and committees, head of other steering committees in relevant fields.
To address with issues relevant to industry, construction, transport, natural resources and environment, climate change adaption strategy, national master plans, regional and provincial master plans, energy assurance, economical and efficient use of energy; national key projects and infrastructure construction investment projects.
To direct the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment during the absence time of Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh.
To work as chairmen of councils, national committees, head of steering committees which are assigned to Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh when he is absent.
To perform other tasks assigned or authorized by the Prime Minister.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang
3. Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang:
To monitor and direct the following fields:
- Overseas Vietnamese affairs and issues related to foreigners in Viet Nam.
- Human rights affairs.
- Ethnic and religious affairs; poverty reduction, emulation and commendation
- Assurance of traffic order and safety
- Crime prevention; smuggling and trade fraud prevention and combat.
- Special amnesty
- Coordination between the Government and the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy
To monitor and direct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs.
To act as Head of the National Steering Committee for International Integration; Chairman of the Viet Nam-China Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation; in charge of the Viet Nam-Laos Inter-governmental Committee; Head of the State Steering Committee for Land Border Demarcation and Border Marker Planting; Head of the State Steering Committee for Human Rights; Head of the Central Steering Committee for National Target Program on New-countryside Building during 2021-2025; Head of the Central Steering Committee for Sustainable Poverty Reduction in the 2021-2025 period; Head of the Steering Committee for the national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority-inhabited and mountainous areas during the 2021-2030 phase; Head of the National Steering Committee for Crime Prevention and Combat; Head of the National Steering Committee for Combating Smuggling, Trade Fraud and Counterfeit Goods, Chairman of the National Steering Committee for ASEAN Single Window, National Single Window and Trade Facilitation; Chairman of the National Steering Committee for Traffic Safety; Chairman of the National Civil Aviation Security Committee; chairman of other national councils, committees, and head of other steering committees in relevant fields.
To handle works related to agriculture and rural development, flood and storm prevention and control, search and rescue work and direct the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the absence of Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh.
To work as chairman of councils, national commits, head of steering committees the Prime Minister has assigned to Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh in the absence of Le Van Thanh.
To perform other tasks assigned or authorized by the Prime Minister.