Trade value reaches over US$368 bln in first half
VGP - Viet Nam's trade with the rest of the world hit US$368.53 billion in the first half of this year, with trade surplus reaching US$11.63 billion, according to the General Statistics Office (GSO).

June's exports were estimated at US$33.09 billion, up 10.5 percent over the same period last year, pushing the total export value in the first half of this year to US$190.08 billion, a year-on-year rise of 14.5 percent.
Of the aforesaid total, the domestic sector contributed US$53.39 billion, and the FDI sector US$136.69 billion.
Exports of processed products were estimated at US$166.79 billion, accounting for 87.7 percent of the total export volume.
In June, Viet Nam imported US$30.15 billion worth of products, a rise of 13.1 percent year on year, raising the total import turnover in the January-June period to US$178.45 billion, up 17 percent over the same period last year.
Import value of the domestic sector was US$65.74 billion, while that of the foreign-invested sector was US$112.71 billion.
Production materials were the major imports in the six-month period with a value of US$167.73 billion, accounting for 94 percent of the total imports.
During the reviewed period, the U.S. remained the biggest export market of Viet Nam with US$54.3 billion while China continued to be the nation's largest import market with an estimated revenue of US$67 billion./.