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Viet Nam puts forward proposals to strengthen ASEAN crime prevention

VGP - Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen Luong Tam Quang raised a series of proposals to spur the collective efforts against cross-border criminal activities at the 18th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC-18) held in Vientiane on August 28.

Posts Khanh Phuong

August 30, 2024 3:12 PM GMT+7
Viet Nam puts forward proposals to strengthen ASEAN crime prevention- Ảnh 1.

Vietnamese Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen Luong Tam Quang (5th from L) at the AMMTC-18, Vientiane, August 28, 2024

Specifically, Luong suggested ASEAN countries should boost information sharing on criminal activities; support each other in collecting, investigating and verifying crimes; conduct joint patrols to combat drug and human trafficking, organized crime and cybercrime.

The minister highlighted the importance of working to deal with crimes committed by citizens of one country in another and launching regional media campaigns to raise public awareness and proactively prevent threats early and from afar such as human trafficking, terrorism, and cybercrime. The minister called for improved effectiveness in handling mutual legal assistance requests, extradition, and transfer of criminals among the ASEAN countries.

He also suggested application of high-level sci-tech innovations, such as artificial intelligence, big data, and virtual assistants.

Finally, the minister proposed training and capacity building for law enforcement personnel to enhance practical capabilities and combat transnational crime under the principle of not lagging behind criminals and preventing crime.

The meeting also saw adoption of a Declaration, a Joint Statement and other guiding documents as the outcome documents.

The 18th AMMTC welcomed Malaysia as the incoming AMMTC Chair in 2025./.