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Top Vietnamese leader hosts National Day celebration

VGP - General Secretary and President To Lam and hiss spouse chaired a ceremony in Ha Noi on August 29 to mark the 79th anniversary of the National Day of Viet Nam (September 2).

Posts Kim Loan

August 30, 2024 12:38 PM GMT+7
Top Vietnamese leader hosts National Day celebration- Ảnh 1.

General Secretary and President To Lam addresses the celebration to mark the 79th anniversary of the National Day of Viet Nam in Ha Noi, August 29, 2024. Photo: VGP

The event drew the attendance of incumbent and former Party and State leaders, as well as officials of ministries, agencies, socio-political organizations, localities, the head of the diplomatic corps in Ha Noi - Palestinian Ambassador Saadi Salama, and foreign ambassadors, charge d'affaires and chief representatives of international organizations.

Addressing the vent, General Secretary and President To Lam recalled the historic moment on September 2, 1945 when President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence at Ba Dinh Square, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam, now the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. 

Under the Party leadership over the past 79 years, the entire Vietnamese people have stayed united as one, along with pure international solidarity, and won victory after victory, liberating and reunifying the country, successfully implementing the renewal process and firmly advancing toward socialism.

So far, Viet Nam has emerged to become a destination of investors and international travelers, and from an underdeveloped economy to one of the top 40 global economies, with its trade volume ranking among the top 20 countries worldwide.

The nation is now a key player in 16 free trade agreements (FTAs) involving 60 major economies regionally and globally.

Top Vietnamese leader hosts National Day celebration- Ảnh 2.

General Secretary and President To Lam and his spouse welcome ambassadors, chargés d'affaires, and heads of international organisations to the celebration marking the 79th anniversary of the National Day of Viet Nam in Ha Noi, August 29, 2024. Photo: VGP

Viet Nam has now established diplomatic ties with 193 countries and forged strategic and comprehensive partnerships with 30 nations, including all permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and major global powers, and served as an active member of over 70 global and regional organizations.

Viet Nam has been recognized by the United Nations and international friends as a success story and a beacon in poverty reduction.

The top Vietnamese leader highlighted the ongoing efforts to accelerate progress and materialize the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress with the major development goals to 2030 - the 100th anniversary of the Party, and to 2045, the centenary celebration of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, transforming Viet Nam into a prosperous, high-income nation where all citizens enjoy a high quality life.

On behalf of ambassadors, chargés d'affaires, and heads of international organizations, Palestinian Ambassador to Viet Nam Saadi Salama congratulated Viet Nam on the occasion.

He hailed Viet Nam's "bamboo diplomacy" symbolizing flexibility, resilience and consistency in the current situation with unpredictable uncertainties.

The Ambassador treasured the support from the Vietnamese State and relevant agencies, particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He pledged to continue efforts to further cultivate the multifaceted friendship and cooperation between Viet Nam and countries and international organizations via developing peaceful and mutually beneficial partnerships for a world of peace, freedom, equality, prosperity and sustainable development./.