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Gov't approves national strategy for pharmaceutical industry development through 2030

VGP - Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has signed a decision approving the national strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry through 2030, with a vision to 2045.

Posts Thuy Dung

October 10, 2023 3:18 PM GMT+7
National strategy for pharmaceutical industry development till 2030, towards 2045 ratified  - Ảnh 1.

Under the strategy, Viet Nam's production capacity is expected to meet 80 percent of domestic pharmaceutical demand and 70 percent of the market value the end of this decade.

Domestically-produced vaccines will meet the whole demand for the expanded immunization program and 30 percent of the needs for on-demand vaccination services.

Domestic pharmaceutical materials are expected to meet 20 percent of the country's drug production, according to the strategy.

Viet Nam aims to become a high-value pharmaceutical production hub of the region. 

The strategy also sets out a specific target for technology transfer by 2030 to transfer production technology of at least 100 brand name drugs, vaccines, medical biologicals, and medicine which Viet Nam has not been able to produce.

The strategy sets goal to have 4 pharmacists per 10,000 population by 2030. At least 20 percent of pharmacists will receive clinical pharmacy training. 

By 2045, the pharmaceutical industry in Viet Nam will contribute an estimated US$20 billion to total GDP./.