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Belgium to support Viet Nam in addressing AO/Dioxin consequences

VGP - Belgium will implement projects to support Viet Nam in carrying out Agent Orange/Dioxin contamination clean-up, said President of the Belgian Senate Stephanie D'Hose.

Posts Huong Giang

February 02, 2024 7:19 PM GMT+7
Belgium to support Viet Nam in addressing AO/Dioxin consequences - Ảnh 1.

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son (R) shakes hands with President of the Belgian Senate Stephanie D'Hose, Brussels, February 1, 2024 - Photo: VNA

The Belgian official made the statement during her reception in Brussels for Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, who made a working visit to Belgium from January 31 to February 1.

Viet Nam, said Bui, expects to cement and deepen friendship and and cooperation with Belgium across the fields, affirmed the minister.

He appreciated the willing of the Belgian parliament and the Belgium-Viet Nam Friendship Parliamentary Group to promote the multi-faceted cooperation with the Vietnamese NA.

At another meeting, President of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium Éliane Tillieux affirmed that the chamber's passing of a resolution calling for support for AO victims is a strong message to the international community to support Viet Nam in overcoming the consequences of AO.

She added that to implement the resolution, she will call on experienced Belgian businesses to participate in detoxification projects in Viet Nam.

Bui thanked the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium for being the first legislative body in the world to pass the resolution calling for support for AO victims, thereby drawing the international community's attention and support for tackling war consequences in Viet Nam.

The FM called upon the Belgian Federal Parliament to soon ratify the EU -Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) to maximize the potential of cooperation between the two countries in the field of investment; and advocate the European Commission (EC)'s early removal of the “yellow card” on Viet Nam.

On this occasion, Bui held talks with Belgium’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and the Federal Cultural Institutions Hadja Lahbib.

He highly spoke of Belgium's active role as the rotating President of the Council of the EU in the first six months of 2024, seeking for Belgium’s coordination to promote EU-Viet Nam relations, and affirmed Viet Nam’s readiness to connect Belgium with ASEAN and Southeast Asian countries.

He also called on Belgium to early ratify the EVIPA and push for the early removal of the EC's yellow card on Viet Nam's aquatic exports.

Hadja Lahbib asked the Vietnamese Government to create favorable conditions for Belgian businesses to expand investment and business in Viet Nam, especially in high-tech and energy transition industries.

The two ministers agreed on the need to have cooperation projects to implement the Belgian lower house's resolution on supporting Viet Nam in overcoming war consequences, especially detoxifying areas affected by AO and supporting AO victims.

The two sides discussed regional and international issues of mutual concern, affirming their resolve to continue close coordination and mutual support at multilateral organizations and forums, especially the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to promote the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership framework.

During his stay in Brussels, Bui also attends the 24th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) and the third EU-Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum (EU-IPMF)./.