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Acting President receives credentials from new Japanese Ambassador

VGP - Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan on Friday hosted a reception for newly-appointed Japanese Ambassador to Viet Nam Ito Naoki who came to present his credentials.

Posts Hoang Ha

May 18, 2024 10:50 AM GMT+7
Acting President receives credentials from new Japanese Ambassador- Ảnh 1.

Acting President Vo Thi Anh Xuan (L) receives credentials from newly-accredited Japanese Ambassador to Viet Nam Ito Naoki, Ha Noi, May 17, 2024 - Photo: VNA

Vo expressed her belief that with the Ambassador's experience in diplomacy and his contributions to the Viet Nam-Japan ties in his previous positions, the diplomat will continue to contribute to promoting bilateral relations in the coming time.

The State, ministries, agencies, and localities of Viet Nam will create favorable conditions for the ambassador to complete his duties, she underlined.

She expected that the two sides should continue to practically and effectively implement their Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which was upgraded in November 2023, ensuring the interests of the two countries' people and making positive contributions to peace, stability, and development in the region and the world.

The two countries should enhance political trust through contacts and exchanges of delegations at all levels; continue to coordinate and support each other at regional and international forums, and promote Mekong-Japan cooperation, she stressed.

The Acting President proposed the two sides continue to strengthen economic links and ensure economic security through investment and trade cooperation.

She hoped that Japan will continue to support Viet Nam in its industrialization and modernization process, building an independent and self-reliant economy and implementing three strategic breakthroughs.

Vo called on Japan to provide new generation official development assistance (ODA) for Viet Nam in the fields of strategic infrastructure development, climate change response, and health care.

Besides, the two countries should promote cooperation in new fields such as semiconductors, digital transformation, and green transition, she suggested.

The Japanese ambassador stated that his country will support Viet Nam at the United Nations and regional and multilateral cooperation mechanisms to which Viet Nam and Japan are members.

The Japanese Government supports Viet Nam in realizing its goal of becoming a developed, high-income country by 2045 through providing ODA loans and expanding cooperation in the fields which are strengths of both sides, he emphasized.

He expressed his wish that Viet Nam will continue to improve the business and investment environment and create more favorable conditions for Japanese businesses to operate in the Southeast Asian country./.