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Viet Nam urges Ireland to early ratify EVIPA

VGP - General Secretary and President To Lam called upon Ireland to soon ratify the EU-Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) to boost mutually beneficial investment ties between the two countries.

Posts Kim Anh

October 04, 2024 1:29 PM GMT+7
Viet Nam urges Ireland to early ratify EVIPA- Ảnh 1.

General Secretary and President To Lam (R) meets with Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris in Dublin, October 3, 2024 - Photo: VNA

The top Vietnamese leader made the call during his meeting with Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris in Dublin on October 3.

To  informed hist host that the Vietnamese Government is working on the opening of the Vietnamese Embassy in Ireland.

He suggested the two sides continue their close coordination and optimize the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), facilitating the access of their key products to respective markets.

To also suggested the two sides spur cooperation in the areas of digital transformation, renewable energy, and high-tech agriculture.

He spoke highly of Ireland's focus on spurring the relations with Southeast Asia, affirming Viet Nam's willingness to serve as a bridge between Ireland and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). 

Regarding regional and international security, both sides expressed their concern over the escalating tensions in the Middle East and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, calling on the relevant sides to exercise restraint, avoid the use of forece, and hold dialogues to seek peaceful resolutions to the conflicts, for stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

For the East Sea issue, the pair underlined the importance of peace, stability, safety, security, and freedom of navigation in the waters, and stressed the need to resolve disputes through peaceful means, in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

On this occasion, the two sides issued a joint statement on strengthening the Viet Nam-Ireland relationship. The document says Lam's visit is an important milestone, contributing to advancing the relationship to a new height.

Ireland is an important trade partner of Viet Nam in Europe with two-way trade growing constantly over the past years to reach US$3.5 billion in 2023.

The Irish Government provided aid packages for Viet Nam, helping the country achieve many Millennium Development Goals ahead of schedule, and realize the Sustainable Development Goals.

Progress has been made in cooperation in such areas as education-training, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, electronics, culture, and people-to-people exchange.

The European Union and Viet Nam signed a Trade Agreement and an Investment Protection Agreement on June 30, 2019./.