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Viet Nam sticks to "One China" policy stance

VGP - Viet Nam sticks to "One China" policy stance, recognizing Taiwan as an inseparable part of China's territory, Spokeswoman of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang said Monday.

Posts Huong Giang

May 20, 2024 9:30 PM GMT+7
Viet Nam sticks to "One China" policy stance- Ảnh 1.

Spokeswoman of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang

The Spokesperson said Viet Nam has maintained and developed people-to-people and non-governmental relations with Taiwan in various fields such as economy, trade, investment, sci-tech, culture and education; and has not established any state-level relationship with Taiwan.

She affirmed Viet Nam respects the principle of non-interference in each other's internal affairs and believes that maintaining peace, stability and cooperation in the Taiwan Strait is crucial for the region and the world, she added./.