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Viet Nam, China strengthen drug prevention and control cooperation

VGP - Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang said that Viet Nam and China should enhance cooperation in and share information related to cross-border drug crime.

Posts Kim Loan

September 06, 2023 8:23 PM GMT+7
VN, China strengthen drug prevention and control cooperation - Ảnh 1.

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang (L) and Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong, Beijing, China, September 5, 2023 - Photo: VGP/Hai Minh

The Vietnamese leader made the above statement at his meeting with Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohongjin in Beijing, China on September 5.

Both sides underlined the importance of the bilateral ties to the cause of building socialism and prosperous development of each country, contributing to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

Tran expressed his pleasure to see  fruitful cooperation in drug prevention and control between Viet Nam and China with diversified content and forms.

The Vietnamese Government recognizes and appreciates China's support and cooperation in timely sharing information and experience, and close coordination in investigation, arrest and extradition of criminals.

He assessed that drug production, trading, transportation and use in the region and the world remained very complicated; illegal production, trading and transportation of narcotics, especially synthetic drugs continued to increase. Drug-related crimes increase in terms of scale, nature and severity with many sophisticated methods and tricks employed, causing difficulties in prevention and combat efforts.

In reply, Minister Wang expected that the two countries would continue to cement and deepen cooperation in crime prevention and control in general and drugs in particular, contributing to their comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

At the invitation of the Chinese Government, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, Chairman of the National Committee for AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control is leading a Vietnamese delegation to attend the 14th Ministerial Meeting of Signatories to the Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Control in the Great Mekong Subregion scheduled for September 5-7, 2023 in Beijing, China./.