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Spring blood donation festival kick-started

VGP - The Xuan Hong (red spring) festival – the biggest annual blood donation campaign kick-started on February 20, targeting to collect at least 8,000 units of blood.

Posts Kim Loan

February 23, 2024 11:16 AM GMT+7
Spring blood donation festival kick-started- Ảnh 1.

The event was jointly organized by the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (NIHBT) and the Ha Noi Youth Association for Blood Donation.

It aims to ease the shortage of blood supply for treatment after Tet.

During the eight-day campaign, donors can visit one of the three venues in Ha Noi - the institute, the Trau Quy Secondary school in Gia Lam district, and AEON Mall Ha Dong at Ha Dong district.

Having been organized annually for 16 years, the blood donation event drew the participation of hundreds of thousands of blood donors. The event contributed to changing the public perception on voluntary blood donation, a honorable deed to usher in the New Year.

Earlier, the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion still needed about 10,000 units of blood to meet the blood demand before and during Tet.

Between February 8 and February 14, the event -day Tet holiday, the Central Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion received a record 1,600 donors of blood and platelets, an average of 230 donors per day.

The National Blood Centre needs to receive between 40,000 to 42,000 units of blood and 5,000 units of apheresis platelets monthly.

In the first two months of 2024 alone, the institute needs at least 80,000 units of blood to supply more than 180 medical facilities in 31 provinces and cities in the North, including about 40,000 units of blood type O./.