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Quảng Nam urged to provide better care for social policy beneficiaries

VGP - Quảng Nam province should pay greater attention to improving the lives of Vietnamese heroic mothers, war veterans and social policy beneficiaries, says Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

January 14, 2012 10:01 AM GMT+7

During his two-day visit to the central province on January 13-14, Party leader Trọng presented New Year (Tết) gifts to Vietnamese heroic mothers, families of martyrs and ethnic minority people.

The Party leader expressed his deep gratitude for the huge sacrifices made by heroic mothers, affirming that the Party, State and people will always bear in mind their tremendous contributions to the country’s past revolutionary cause.

He added that the local people and authorities should uphold the province’s glorious spirit and revolutionary tradition to succeed in the current process of national industrialization and modernization.