He requested that the revision and supplementation of those policies must be in accordance with the Politburo’s Resolution No. 2-NQ/TW, dated April 25, 2011 on strategic orientation on minerals and the mining industry until 2020, with a vision to 2030; the Politburo’s Resolution No. 7-NQ/TW dated November 18, 2016 on guidelines and measures on State budget restructuring and public debt management to ensure a national safe and sustainable financial system; the tax system reform strategy in the period of 2011-2020; and the PM’s Directive No. 3/CT-TTg dated March 30, 2015 on strengthening the efficiency of enforcing mineral policies and laws and the reality of mineral resource management and exploitation.
The MOF is obliged to report to the PM on the adjustment of import tax rates for processed Manhetite iron ore and coal, as well as tax and fee policies on these minerals.
Over the past years, the MOF has collaborated with relevant agencies to issue and revise tax and financial policies on mineral resources and the mining industry, in order to meet the State’s management demand, minimise the indiscriminate exploitation and protect mineral resources.
By Vien Nhu