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Pangasius export surges sharply

VGP – Overseas shipments of Vietnamese catfish to the U.S., China, and Brazil were positive in the first half of 2016, the Viet Nam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers.

July 04, 2016 12:09 PM GMT+7

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The VASEAP reported that by late May, 2016, pangasius export valued US$650.3 million, representing a year-on-year growth of 5.5%.

In the reviewed period, catfish export to the U.S. reached US$152 million, accounting for 23.4% of total output, up 12.9% against the same period last year.  

Overseas shipment of the fish to the EU decreased gradually by 8.1% and reached US$ 109.3 million.

Meanwhile, China imported US$ 94.9 million of catfish from Viet Nam, posting a year-on-year growth of 72.7%. The Brazilian market consumed US$ 32.8 million of Vietnamese catfish, up 118.3% against the same period last year.

However, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development assessed that catfish production showed no sign of recovery and dealt with a series of difficulties such as unstable consumption markets, uncertain price, diseases, and decreased cultivation areas./.

By Kim Loan