Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc
Ha, born in 1963, graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam in 1985. He studied Russian in Kiev University, Ukraine from 1986 to 1987 and earned a master degree of International Relations at Diplomatic Academy of Viet Nam in 2010.
He has served in the diplomatic service since 1988 in different positions and has much experience in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy.
Ha was appointed Deputy Foreign Minister in May 2013 and served as the sixth Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the United States of America between March 2018 and September 17, 2018.
The committee is responsible for supporting the Prime Minister on issues related to foreign non-governmental organizations in Viet Nam, coordinating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in drafting and submitting to the competent authority for the promulgation of legal normative documents on the operations of foreign NGOs in the Southeast Asian country.
The committee takes the prime responsibility in the appraisal of foreign non-governmental organizations in order to forward documentation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the purpose of granting, extension, supplement, amendment and revocation of the Certificates of Registration of foreign NGOs in Viet Nam.
It shall perform inspection, monitoring and supervision of the operation of foreign NGOs and coordinate with relevant agencies in handling with complaints, accusations and violations related to the operation of foreign NGOs./.