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MoIT proposes five-tiered electricity price system

VGP - The Ministry of Industry and Trade has recently suggested five electricity price levels instead of six at present.

Posts Kim Loan

July 07, 2023 11:14 PM GMT+7
MoIT proposes five-tiered electricity price system - Ảnh 1.

Illustration photo

The ministry is collecting public comments on the proposal. 

The consultant preferred a 5-level solution.

Level 1: first 100 kwh

Level 2: 101-200 kwh

Level 3: 201-400 kwh

Level 4: 401-700 kwh

Level 5: 701 and more.

The proposal is expected to minimize changes in electricity bills among different seasons and enable energy savings. 

Poor households and families of social beneficiaries get price subsidy for their first 30 kWH of electricity consumption in the first level.  

Earlier, on May 4, the ministry raised the average electricity retail price from VND 1,864.44 per kWh to VND 1,920.37 (excluding value-added tax).

Accordingly, retail electricity prices for domestic use are stipulated in the following table: 

Retail electricity pricesLevelprices

Level 1: 0 - 50 kWhVND 1,728

Level 2: 51 - 100 kWhVND 1,786

Level 3: 101 - 200 kWhVND 2,074

Level 4: 201 - 300 kWhVND 2,612

Level 5: 301 - 400 kWhVND 2,919

Level 6: 401 kWh or higherVND 3,015