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Measures discussed to develop sustainable jobs for migrant workers

VGP – Senior labour officials of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam (CLMTV) gathered in the central coastal city of Da Nang on August 1 for a meeting discussing ways to promote human resource development and sustainable jobs for migrant workers.

August 01, 2017 5:08 PM GMT+7

As countries with shared borders, cross-border labor migration is one of the big priorities for cooperation between CLMTV, bringing about practical benefits for the people as well as for economic development in each country.

The difference in the development level between the five nations has enabled people living in border areas, the majority of whom are manual workers, to constantly migrate to neighboring countries to seek job opportunities.

For that reason, the meeting has been held biennially, opening up a new cooperation mechanism between the five countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion, towards the goal of developing human resources, creating a sustainable working environment and facilitating safe migration, and protecting the rights and interests of laborers.

In his opening address, Deputy Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Doan Mau Diep, noted that in the context of the increasing labor migration within CLMTV countries, it is one of the CLMTV group’s priorities to ensure social security and facilitate laborers’ access to essential knowledge and skills in their working process, aiming to provide them with stable jobs and satisfactory income.

At the meeting, officials will focus on discussing policies and sharing experience with regard to labor migration and cooperation between CLMTV countries, whilst reviewing the cooperation outcomes attained in the fields of vocational training and human trafficking prevention between the five countries, and recommending the priority activities aiming to prevent illegal labor and provide better support for cross-border migrant workers in the time ahead.

In addition, delegates will agree on a draft Joint Statement on safe labor migration, which will be submitted at the second Ministerial Conference on Labor Cooperation in CLMTV, which is to take place in Da Nang on August 2.

                                                                                                                                By Vien Nhu