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Gov't issues plan to implement Law on electronic transactions

VGP – Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang has signed a decision approving a plan to implement the Law on electronic transactions.

Posts Thuy Dung

October 14, 2023 8:28 PM GMT+7

The law, adopted by the National Assembly at its 5th session, is scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2024.

The plan encompasses specific duties of each ministry, agency, and locality; time required for them to complete their duties; and coordination mechanisms in the implementation of the Law on electronic transactions.

Relevant ministries, agencies and localities have to adopt concrete roadmaps for the full and comprehensive implementation of the law.

The Ministry of Information and Communications was assigned to review legal regulations related to the Law and report the review outcomes to the Prime Minister.

Other ministries, agencies, and localities were tasked to review their legal regulations related to the law and report to the Ministry of Information and Communications for synthesis in May 2024.

The aforesaid review process must be completed in August 2024.

The Law on electronic transactions, with eight chapters and 53 articles, aims to create a complete and favorable legal framework for transforming from physical activities to the digital environment in all sectors.

The law also recognizes that electronic transactions have the same legal value as physical transactions./.