Regarding administrative reform, the Government tasked ministries, agencies and localities to cut time required for processing administrative procedures by at least 30 percent, and business costs by at least 30 percent; abolish 30 percent of unnecessary business conditions.
Ministries, agencies and localities shall have to update information on administrative procedures on the national administrative procedure database in a timely, fully and precise manner.
The Government Office shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, agencies and localities to formulate and submit to the Government for issuance of a resolution approving the program to cut and simplify administrative procedures related to production and business activities in the period 2025-2030, completing this task prior to March 31, 2025.
For handling businesses' recommendations, ministries, agencies and localities shall have to coordinate closely to practically and effectively resolve problems raised during recent dialogues and working sessions between the Cabinet leaders and leaders of State-owned enterprises, private enterprises, and FDI enterprises from China, the U.S., Japan, South Korea, the European Union, and ASEAN. For issues beyond their competence, they must report to the Ministry of Finance for synthesis and reporting to the Prime Minister before March 31, 2025.
Regarding science and technology development, innovation and digital transformation, the Government requested ministries, agencies and localities to adopt specific plans to implement Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW dated December 22, 2024 of the Politburo on breakthroughs in development of science and technology, innovation and digital transformation; Resolution No. 03/NQ-CP dated January 9, 2025 of the Government approving an action plan to implement the Resolution No. 57-NQ/TW; and Resolution No. 193/2025/QH15 of the National Assembly on pilot implementation of several special mechanisms and policies for development of science and technology, innovation and digital transformation.
Ministries, agencies and localities shall have to expedite the implementation of Project No. 06 and promote data sharing among sectors and comprehensive digital transformation in order to drive growth based on science and technology, data, digital technology and innovation.
Ministries, agencies and localities need to promote economic and technology diplomacy, especially in such fields like semiconductor, digital transformation, innovation and entrepreneurship.
The Ministry of Science and Technology shall enhance investment in science and technology, put forward mechanisms and policies to lure and retain highly qualified domestic and foreign experts to participate in science and technology development and innovation in Viet Nam, and promote the development of digital enterprises.
The Ministry of Education and Training shall implement solutions and policies to promote high-quality human resource training for priority and emerging fields.
Regarding visa policy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security to effectively implement Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP dated March 7, 2025 of the Government on visa exemption for citizens from several countries; put forward to the Government orientations for unilateral visa exemption for citizens from several countries in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, giving priority for waiving visas for scientists, successful businessmen, wealthy persons and top experts in the areas that Viet Nam needs.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs shall promptly put forward orientations for perfecting visa policies, expanding e-visa issuance especially to investors and experts as well as work permit policy to foreigners in a more open and friendly manner to attract investors with high financial capacity and skilled laborers to Viet Nam to promote economic, scientific and technological development and international integration, and submit to the Government in March 2025.
The Ministry of Finance shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with other ministries, agencies and localities to formulate a draft decree on extending the deadline for payment of value-added tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax and land rents in 2025, and a draft decree on extending the deadline for payment of excise tax for domestically-assembled and produced cars, and submit the decrees to the Government prior to March 15, 2025.
The Ministry of Finance shall propose the expansion of subjects entitled to tax reduction and value-added tax reduction in the last six months of 2025 and 2026, and report to the Government prior to March 15, 2025.
The Ministry of Finance shall put forward preferential mechanisms and policies to attract large-scale and high-tech FDI projects that would help enhance domestic enterprises' engagement in regional and global value chains.
The Ministry of Finance shall finalize the draft project for private economy development and report to the Government Party Committee in March 2025 before submitting to the Politburo.
The Ministry of Finance shall quickly finalize dossiers of a pilot resolution on management of activities related to virtual assets and encrypted assets and report to the Government prior to March 13, 2025.
The State Bank of Viet Nam shall study and propose appropriate solutions to encourage foreign banks to join the process of resolving bad debts and restructuring weak credit institutions in Viet Nam in a more active and effective manners.
Regarding social housing development, the Ministry of Construction shall take prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to expeditiously study and propose to competent authorities special mechanisms and policies to accelerate social housing development, allow foreign enterprises and organizations to purchase and rent social housing for workers and laborers./.