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Full remarks by General Secretary and President To Lam at 2024 UN Summit of the Future

VGP - Below are full remarks by General Secretary and President To Lam at the United Nations Summit of the Future held in New York, the U.S. on September 22, 2024

Posts Quang Minh

September 23, 2024 9:38 AM GMT+7

Remarks by General Secretary and President To Lam at the UN Summit of the Future

(September 22, 2024, New York, the U.S.)


His Excellency Mr. President of the United Nations General Assembly,

His Excellency Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations,

Distinguished guests,

The history of human development has witnessed great progress. Human intelligence has transformed the world, making human life better, more developed and more perfect in all aspects. However, it is also humans who are also the cause of difficulties and challenges that the humanity is facing. Specifically, it is the cause of climate change, epidemics, resource depletion or the creation of weapons of mass destruction, etc. Right now, the choices we make will shape our future.

In the face of rapid development of science and technology, the goal of sustainable development of the world and interests of humans must be placed at the center and remain our highest objective. Scientific and technological achievements must serve social progress, focus on humanity, liberate and develop humanity in a comprehensive manner, constantly improve life, for the benefits and happiness of humanity and for future generations.

Scientific and technological achievements should be to promote cooperation, instead of being tools against nations, going against the aspirations for peace, development, equality and justice of nations. Human intelligence achievements must focus on economic development, building a fair and civilized society, improving life quality and alleviating poverty. Accordingly, we suggest more investments in medical research, education and training, digital transformation, green transition and solutions to serve the masses while minimizing investments in developing and manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, for peace, stability, sustainable development, and equality among countries and nations around the world.

In this turning point, we need to strengthen solidarity, cooperation and mutual respect, compliance with international law and the United Nations Charter and settle divergences and disputes through peaceful means. Major powers need to act responsibly and share common achievements in scientific and technological research for mutual development. The United Nations and regional organizations, including ASEAN must take the lead in coping with global challenges and harness opportunities from scientific and technological advances.

We are facing the historic opportunity to take the world to a new era – a new era of better development for progressive development and social equality, and for prosperity, freedom and happiness of people. This can be achieved when we unite in awareness, action, effort, and cooperate closely and effectively.

Viet Nam welcomes the documents adopted at this summit and hopes that these documents would be implemented seriously and effectively. We hope that the United Nations, with its central and coordinating role, and international organizations would continue making more effective and stronger contributions to the goal of preventing dangers to rapid and sustainable development of the world right from today.

Viet Nam commits to actively and effectively contributing to the common efforts in building the world of peace and equal development for a prosperous and happy life of humanity.

Thank your very much./.