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Chinese military ships threaten Vietnamese boat

VGP – Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Le Hai Binh told reporters on Friday that Vietnamese competent agencies are identifying the location where China’s military ships bullied and threatened to use force against Vietnamese Hai Dang 05 boat.

November 27, 2015 6:02 PM GMT+7

The Spokesman reaffirmed Viet Nam’s consistent policy of resolutely protesting against all acts of using or threatening to use force against Vietnamese vessels as such acts violate international law, go against the spirit and words of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, and seriously threaten peace and stability in the region and are unacceptable.

According to Tuoi Tre Newspaper, four Chinese vessels, including two coast guard ships and a warship, bullied and scared away a Vietnamese supply ship off Viet Nam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago a fortnight ago.

Tran Van Nga, captain of the supply boat Hai Dang 05, managed by East Viet Nam Sea and Islands Maritime Safety Company, under the Ministry of Transport’s Southern Viet Nam Maritime Safety Corporation, reported what happened to his boat two weeks ago.

The incident occurred when Hai Dang 05 was on a mission of giving supplies to the staff of the lighthouses in Truong Sa, Captain Nga said./.

By Quang Minh